Los Gatos Flowers

Blooming Boquet serves the community of Los Gatos, With many occasions for floral arrangements and numerous weddings and events, Blooming Bouquet, a retail and event florist is the preferred florist.

Velvet Box of Love


Red is the color of LOVE! Vibrant Red Velvet Hat Box overflowing with 36 Pink Roses, Wrapped in Black and White French Ribbon and comes with a stunning Red Brooch that can be used for years to come.


Scent Of Beauty


Lush mix of vibrant flowers that include Red Roses, Hot Pink Roses, Pink Roses, Red Spray Roses, Green Hydrangeas, and Orchids in a nice black box. This arrangement includes a lovely bottle of "My Burberry Blush" perfume when only the best will do!


Lotsa Roses


Lots and Lots and Lots of Roses!!!!! This arrangement comes with 64 Colombian Explorer red roses arranged in a custom black acrylic box tied and finished with a Black & White Stripe french ribbon and a dazzling Red and Pink Crystal brooch which she will enjoy for years to come!
